Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising How to Complete the 12th Main Quest
Bandit Busting
After completing the Pasturage and completing the 11th Main Quest head right and to the Plaza to speak with Isha.
Isha will send you to the Quarry to find Iugo’s whetstone. Upon arriving at the Quarry the guards will tell you to go into the first pit to find it.

Proceed through the Quarry to the right and as soon as you can go down, go down. Then head to the left and you will be blocked by an Elementum Pillar (Earth).

You will need to head back to the Plaza and find someone wanting to open a magic store.
As you enter the Plaza you will meet Jashan. Jashan asks you to meet him in the Rune Quarter off of Outlander Lane.
Proceed right on Outlander Lane until the end. Once you reach the end you will be able to access the Rune Quarter. Proceed to the left and you will find Jashan. Talk to Jashan.
Jashan asks you to retrieve a Lode Golem stone. This is also called a Giant Stone and can be retrieved by defeating a Lode Golem. Hopefully, you still have one from the first time you beat the Lode Golem.
If not then you will have to defeat the Lode Golem twice. Head through the Quarry and find the Lode Golem and defeat him to obtain a Giant Stone.
After defeating the Lode Golem and retreiving the 2 Giant Stone you can either head back to the left through the Quarry or use the signpost and fast travel to the Mouth of the Quarry.
You can then Fast Travel back to the Rune Quarter and give Jashan the 2 Giant Stone to complete this portion of the quest.

Reward: 500 Baqua, 500 EXP
Town Facility Unlocked: Bagmaker
After helping Jashan head to the right and talk to Ilda. She will ask you to help find out about a stolen book.
You will need to head back to the Plaza and talk to Mayor Isha. She will give you the book. Head back to the Rune Quarter to return the book to Ilda.
Once you return the book to Ilda it will complete this portion of the quest.

Reward: 500 Baqua, 500 EXP
Town Facility Unlocked: Rune Shop
After helping Ilda head further to the right and you will find Joerg. He is requesting some Heavy Stone from the Great Forest.
If you have already found some Heavy Stone this should be easy enough to complete. If not you may need to stop by the Tool Shop and upgrade some tools to be able to mine Heavy Stone in the Great Forest.

Reward: CJ’s Rune-Lens, 500 Baqua, 500 EXP
Town Facility Unlocked: Lens Forge
Now you need to equip your Rune-Lens. Open the Main Menu and go to Stats and Equipment. Once CJ is selected click A to change equipment. Then select the Attack Element under Rune-Lens Lv1. and equip your Earth Rune.
Once this is equipped you can head back to the Quarry. Proceed through the Quarry to the right and as soon as you can go down, go down. Then head to the left and you will see the Elementum Pillar (Earth).
Now that you have the Earth Rune equipped you can attack the Pillar to destroy it and proceed to the left.
Achievement Unlocked: Elementum Primo
Keep heading left past the poisonous vents and you will eventually find the missing Whetstone.
Exit the Quarry and return to the Plaza. Find Isha and Iugo and talk to them. Once you return the Whetstone to Iugo this will complete the 12th Main Quest – Bandit Busting.
Reward: 500 EXP
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See the complete walkthrough with side quests in this video: