Craftopia Seamless Map Update News April 2023

Craftopia Seamless Map Update News April 2023

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Craftopia Seamless Map Update News April 2023

PocketPair the developers of Craftopia have released another seamless map development update today. And this update was pretty big because it gave us a glimpse of what the map will look like. Well, sort of.

The image they showed was to show the scale of how big the map is. So only a tiny section was revealed and the rest of it is blurred out. Although even being blurred you can probably make out some of the maps features and a general outline.

First look at the Craftopia Seamless Map (yes they blurred it)
First look at the Craftopia Seamless Map (yes they blurred it)

Now the next image is zoomed in with a pin on the character to show the scope of how large the island is.

 First look at the Craftopia Seamless Map zoomed in (possible starting point)
First look at the Craftopia Seamless Map zoomed in (possible starting point)

I wish they would have added a picture of a current island side by side to provide scope. But in earlier updates, they stated it would be significantly larger.

The next part of the update talked about a new loadout system. It seems you will now be able to switch load-outs and equip not only weapons and armor but also skills to switch between a magic build and attack build or attack build and bow build.

One other small tidbit that was talked about was an appearance loadout. Hopefully, that means you can customize weapons and other gear.

Craftopia loadout screen coming with seamless map update
Craftopia loadout screen coming with seamless map update

The final bit of news is they have revamped the weapon refinement system in the seamless map update. This is really good news because the old refinery was very confusing and most people didn’t understand it.

New look at a refinery in the seamless map update
New look at a refinery in the seamless map update
Possible screen shot of the new refinement system.
Possible screenshot of the new refinement system.

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All images and info are courtesy of the steam update page