alchemy in skryim combinations

Alchemy in Skyrim Combinations

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 Alchemy in Skyrim Combinations

Alchemy in Skyrim is one of the quickest ways to make gold in Skyrim. You can collect the resources just about anywhere and almost every town has an Alchemy Lab.

When you start the game your first quest after the intro is to head to Riverwood. In Riverwood, the inn (Sleeping Giant Inn) holds an alchemy lab so you can start crafting potions right away. Most people miss the Riverwood alchemy lab because the game doesn’t direct you to it right away.

Using an alchemy lab to craft potions in Skyrim
Using an alchemy lab to craft potions in Skyrim

The premise of alchemy in Skyrim is easy. Access the Alchemy Lab and start selecting ingredients to make either a potion or poison.  

If your combination is a success you will unlock the effect of that ingredient and the recipe will be noted for future use.

If your combination is a failure you will just lose the ingredient you tried to use.

The more ingredients combined on the potion/poison the higher the resale value of the potion will be. Then you can sell the potion to traders and make plenty of gold quickly.

Combine many ingredients to make better potions
Potion of Fortify Block
Combine many ingredients to make better potions
Potion of Fortify Block

Also the better potions/poisons you create the more your alchemy skill will increase. With a higher alchemy skill, the more powerful your potions will be.

If you find alchemists in towns they will sell you ingredients in their shops. And they should have an Alchemy Lab located inside their shop. You can buy ingredients from the alchemist and then make potions write in the shop then sell the created potion right back to the alchemist.

In Whiterun find Arcadia who sells ingredients needed for alchemy combinations - Skyrim
In Whiterun find Arcadia who sells ingredients needed for alchemy combinations

Alchemists and traders will also sell recipes that will unlock as soon as you read the recipe. But because of the ease to test different combinations, it is usually not beneficial to buy alchemy recipes.

Here is a full list of ingredients along with their effect. Mix the combinations together for maximum effect:

IngredientEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3Effect 4DLC
Abecean LongfinWeakness to FrostFortify SneakWeakness to PoisonFortify Restoration
Bear ClawsRestore StaminaFortify HealthFortify One-HandedDamage Magicka Regen
BeeRestore StaminaRavage StaminaRegenerate StaminaWeakness to Shock
Beehive HuskResist PoisonFortify Light ArmorFortify SneakFortify Destruction
Bleeding CrownWeakness to FireFortify BlockWeakness to PoisonResist Magic
BlisterwortDamage StaminaRestore HealthFrenzyFortify Smithing
Blue Butterfly WingDamage StaminaDamage Magicka RegenFortify ConjurationFortify Enchanting
Blue DartwingResist ShockRestore HealthFortify PickpocketFear
Blue Mountain FlowerRestore HealthFortify ConjurationFortify HealthDamage Magicka Regen
Bone MealDamage StaminaFortify ConjurationResist FireRavage Stamina
Briar HeartRestore MagickaFortify BlockParalysisFortify Magicka
Butterfly WingRestore HealthLingering Damage StaminaFortify BarterDamage Magicka
Canis RootDamage StaminaFortify MarksmanFortify One-HandedParalysis
Charred Skeever HideRestore StaminaResist PoisonCure DiseaseRestore Health
Chaurus EggsWeakness to PoisonFortify StaminaDamage MagickaInvisibility
Chicken's EggResist MagicWaterbreathingDamage Magicka RegenLingering Damage Stamina
Creep ClusterRestore MagickaFortify Carry WeightDamage Stamina RegenWeakness to Magic
Crimson NirnrootDamage HealthInvisibilityDamage StaminaResist Magic
Cyrodilic SpadetailDamage StaminaFearFortify RestorationRavage Health
Daedra HeartDamage Stamina RegenDamage MagickaRestore HealthFear
DeathbellDamage HealthRavage StaminaSlowWeakness to Poison
Dragon's TongueResist FireFortify BarterFortify IllusionFortify Two-handed
Dwarven OilWeakness to MagicRegenerate MagickaFortify IllusionRestore Magicka
EctoplasmRestore MagickaFortify DestructionFortify MagickaDamage Health
Elves EarRestore MagickaWeakness to FrostFortify MarksmanResist Fire
Eye of Sabre CatRestore StaminaDamage MagickaRavage HealthRestore Health
Falmer EarDamage HealthFrenzyResist PoisonFortify Lockpicking
Fire SaltsWeakness to FrostRestore MagickaResist FireRegenerate Magicka
Fly AmanitaResist FireFrenzyFortify Two-handedRegenerate Stamina
Frost MirriamResist FrostFortify SneakRavage MagickaDamage Stamina Regen
Frost SaltsWeakness to FireResist FrostRestore MagickaFortify Conjuration
GarlicResist PoisonFortify StaminaRegenerate MagickaRegenerate Health
Giant LichenRavage HealthWeakness to PoisonWeakness to ShockRestore Magicka
Giant's ToeDamage StaminaFortify Carry WeightFortify HealthDamage Stamina Regen
Glow DustDamage MagickaFortify DestructionDamage Magicka RegenResist Shock
Glowing MushroomResist ShockFortify DestructionFortify SmithingFortify Health
Grass PodResist PoisonRavage MagickaFortify AlterationRestore Magicka
Hagraven ClawResist MagicLingering Damage MagickaFortify EnchantingFortify Barter
Hagraven FeathersDamage MagickaFrenzyFortify ConjurationWeakness to Shock
Hanging MossDamage MagickaDamage Magicka RegenFortify HealthFortify One-handed
Hawk BeakRestore StaminaResist FrostFortify Carry WeightResist Shock
Hawk FeathersCure DiseaseFortify Light ArmorFortify One-handedFortify Sneak
HistcarpRestore StaminaFortify MagickaDamage Stamina RegenWaterbreathing
HoneycombRestore StaminaFortify BlockFortify Light ArmorRavage Stamina
Human FleshDamage HealthParalysisRestore MagickaFortify Sneak
Human HeartDamage HealthDamage Magicka RegenDamage MagickaFrenzy
Ice Wraith TeethWeakness to FrostFortify Heavy ArmorInvisibilityWeakness to Fire
Imp StoolDamage HealthParalysisLingering Damage HealthRestore Health
Jarrin RootDamage HealthDamage StaminaDamage MagickaDamage Magicka Regen
Jazbay GrapesWeakness to MagicFortify MagickaRegenerate MagickaRavage Health
Juniper BerriesWeakness to FireRengerate HealthFortify MarksmanDamage Stamina Regen
Large AntlersRestore StaminaFortify StaminaSlowDamage Stamina Regen
LavenderResist MagicFortify StaminaRavage MagickaFortify Conjuration
Luna Moth WingDamage MagickaFortify Light ArmorRengenerate HealthInvisibility
Moon SugarWeakness to FireResist FrostRestore MagickaRegenerate Magicka
Mora TapinellaRestore MagickaLingering Damage HealthRegenerate StaminaFortify Illusion
Mudcrab ChitinRestore StaminaCure DiseaseResist PoisonResist Fire
Namira's RotDamage MagickaFearFortify LockpickingRengenerate Health
NightshadeDamage HealthDamage Magicka RegenLingering Damage StaminaFortify Destruction
NirnrootDamage HealthDamage StaminaInvisibilityResist Magic
Nordic BarnacleDamage MagickaWaterbreathingRegenerate HealthFortify Pickpocket
Orange DartwingRestore StaminaRavage MagickaFortify PickpocketLingering Damage Health
PearlRestore StaminaRestore MagickaFortify BlockResist Shock
Pine Thrush EggRestore StaminaFortify LockpickingWeakness to PoisonResist Shock
Powdered Mammoth TuskRestore StaminaWeakness to FireFortify SneakFear
Purple Mountain FlowerRestore StaminaFortify SneakLingering Damage MagickaResist Frost
Red Mountain FlowerRestore MagickaRavage MagickaFortify MagickaDamage Health
River BettyDamage HealthFortify AlterationSlowFortify Carry Weight
Rock Warbler EggRestore HealthFortify One-handedDamage StaminaWeakness to Magic
Sabre Cat ToothRestore StaminaFortify Heavy ArmorFortify SmithingWeakness to Poison
Salt PileWeakness to MagicFortify RestorationSlowRegenerate Magicka
Scaly PholiataWeakness to MagicFortify IllusionRegenerate StaminaFortify Carry Weight
Silverside PerchRestore StaminaDamage Stamina RegenRavage HealthResist Frost
Skeever TailDamage Stamina RegenRavage HealthDamage HealthFortify Light Armor
Slaughterfish EggResist PoisonFortify PickpocketLingering Damage HealthFortify Stamina
Slaughterfish ScalesResist FrostLingering Damage HealthFortify Heavy ArmorFortify Block
Small AntlersWeakness to PoisonFortify RestorationLingering Damage StaminaDamage Health
Small PearlRestore StaminaFortify One-handedFortify RestorationResist Frost
SnowberriesResist FireFortify EnchantingResist FrostResist Shock
Spider EggDamage StaminaDamage Magicka RegenFortify LockpickingFortify Marksman
Spriggan SapDamage Magicka RegenFortify EnchantingFortify SmithingFortify Alteration
Swamp Fungal PodResist ShockLingering Damage MagickaParalysisRestore Health
TaprootWeakness to MagicFortify IllusionRegenerate MagickaRestore Magicka
Thistle BranchResist FrostRavage StaminaResist PoisonFortify Heavy Armor
Torchbug ThoraxRestore StaminaLingering Damage MagickaWeakness to MagicFortify Stamina
Troll FatResist PoisonFortify Two-handedFrenzyDamage Health
Tundra CottonResist MagicFortify MagickaFortify BlockFortify Barter
Vampire DustInvisibilityRegenerate HealthRestore MagickaCure Disease
Void SaltsWeakness to ShockResist MagicDamage HealthFortify Magicka
WheatRestore HealthFortify HealthDamage Stamina RegenLingering Damage Magicka
White CapWeakness to FrostFortify Heavy ArmorRestore MagickaRavage Magicka
Wisp WrappingsRestore StaminaFortify DestructionFortify Carry WeightResist Magic
Berit's AshesDamage StaminaResist FireFortify ConjurationRavage Stamina
Ancestor Moth WingDamage StaminaFortify ConjurationDamage Magicka RegenFortify EnchantingDawnguard
Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDamage StaminaFortify ConjurationDamage Magicka RegenFortify EnchantingDawnguard
GleamblossomResist MagicFearRegenerate HealthParalysisDawnguard
Yellow Mountain FlowerResist PoisonFortify RestorationFortify HealthDamage Stamina RegenDawnguard
Ash Creep ClusterDamage StaminaInvisibilityResist FireFortify DestructionDragonBorn
Ash Hopper JellyRestore HealthFortify Light ArmorResist ShockWeakness to FrostDragonBorn
Ashen Grass PodResist FireWeakness to ShockFortify LockpickingFortify SneakDragonBorn
Burnt Spriggan WoodWeakness to FireFortify AlterationDamage Magicka RegenSlowDragonBorn
Felsaad Tern FeathersRestore HealthFortify Light ArmorCure DiseaseResist MagicDragonBorn
Emperor Parasol MossDamage HealthFortify MagickaRegenerate HealthFortify Two-handedDragonBorn
Netch JellyParalysisFortify Carry WeightRestore StaminaFearDragonBorn
Spawn AshRavage StaminaResist FireFortify EnchantingRavage MagickaDragonBorn
Trama RootWeakness to ShockFortify Carry WeightDamage MagickaSlowDragonBorn
Salmon RoeRestore StaminaWaterbreathingFortify MagickaRegenerate MagickaHearthfire
Hawk's EggResist MagicDamage Magicka RegenWaterbreathingLingering Damage StaminaHearthfire

Skyrim ingredient combinations can not only help your character survive longer by providing much-needed health, but they can also provide some nice enchanting bonuses. Alchemy combinations in Skyrim are also one of the easiest ways to make gold. If you craft enough potions gold should never be a problem.

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