Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising How to Complete the 5th Main Quest
The Miner, the Merc, and the Smithy
After completing the 4th Main Quest you will need to head to the Quarry. Once you arrive at the Quarry you are greeted by the two guards that ask for your Explorer License. CJ shows them the license and proceeds into the Quarry.
After wandering around the Quarry another earthquake will happen and force you to head back to town.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
You chip your axe and have to head to the Smithy (Tatara).
You need to head to Outlander Lane and you will run into Hogan again. He asks you to follow him so proceed to the right and Hogan will introduce you to Tatara the town blacksmith.
Tatara will ask for some ore to get his smithy going. He will give you a pickaxe to help you mine the ore. Once you are done here head back to the Quarry to mine the ore needed.
Once you reenter the Quarry you should find several blocks of ore to mine as you continue right into the Quarry. Once you have your 3 ore you can head back to town and talk to Tatara.
After talking to Tatara he offers to fix your weapons for free but you find out those still won’t be enough to get through the rocks in the Quarry.
At this point, a Merc shows up and Hogan recognizes him. His name is Garoo. This will be your first companion added to your party.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
You will then complete the quest “The Miner, the Merc, and the Smithy” and get a short tutorial on using Party members and chain attacks called Link attacks.
Reward: 100 EXP
Town Addition: Smithy
Achievement Unlocked: Partners?
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