Craftopia Seamless World How To Farm Feces

Craftopia Seamless World – How to Farm Feces

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Feces in Craftopia has always been a mystery. Your character poops, the animals poop, and the NPCs poop. But the interval was always weird and it took time.

In the previous versions of Craftopia, there were lots of hacks to generate lots of feces. And for the best method always was using the structural mechanics skill and placing and picking up some planters.

Then came the Seamless World map update. The only place to get feces was to pick up what your character dropped or if you were around enough the animals would drop some if you waited long enough.

But luckily the developers provided a way out of this. The NPC poop farm is BACK!

I did a video on the old map where I placed a bunch of toilets with absorbers and dropped in a bunch of NPCs. It was slow but it was a method to gather feces. But now you can do it even faster. 

Here is a guide on how to farm feces in the Craftopia Seamless world.

What you will need:

  • Breeding Facility
  • Captured NPCs ( I like to use Merchant Smith)
  • Livestock Farm
  • Livestock Feed

Step 1 – Capture some NPCs

To harvest feces you must first capture some NPCs
To harvest feces you must first capture some NPCs

I prefer Merchant Smith but any NPC should do. Just remember to unequip any weapons that might boost your attack or you can easily kill most NPCs with one strike. Use your Monster Prism and capture after doing some damage to them.

Step 2 – Craft a Breeding Facility – Optional

An optional but useful step is to build a Breeding Facility
An optional but useful step is to build a Breeding Facility

If you have two Merchant Smiths I highly recommend you breed them so you can access what they sell. The reason is that they sell some good items that are tough to grind and Livestock feed is one item they will sell that will come in handy.

Step 3 – Create a ton of Livestock feed

Create Livestock Feed at a Cooking Pot
Create Livestock Feed at a Cooking Pot

Okay, you don’t need a ton but if you want to make a ton of Feces you will need a lot of Livestock Feed. You can craft it on a Cooking Pot with some Wild Berries and Straw.

Step 4 – Craft a Livestock Farm

Craft a Livestock Farm on your workbench (or improved workbench)
Craft a Livestock Farm on your workbench (or improved workbench)

You can craft a Livestock Farm at your workbench. You will need some Livestock Feed so make sure you have 

Step 5 – Place NPC in a Livestock Farm

Place your captured NPC in the Livestock Farm
Place your captured NPC in the Livestock Farm

Find a nice spot to setup your Livestock Farm and place it. Then take one of your captured NPCs and throw them into the middle of the Livestock Farm. If you did it right the NPC should go up and down as if they were in a big toaster.

Step 6 – Place Livestock Feed into the Livestock Farm

Place Livestock Feed into the Livestock Farm to feed your NPC
Place Livestock Feed into the Livestock Farm to feed your NPC

At one end of the Livestock Farm there is a chest. Insert the Livestock Feed into the chest.

Step 7 – Collect feces

Sit back and farm feces
Sit back and farm feces

Once you have the NPC in the Livestock Farm and have Livestock Feed in the chest your NPC should start producing feces. They will produce one feces for every one Livestock Feed in the chest. This will cap at 10 feces so either manually collect the feces or set a dropper on the livestock farm so it ejects the feces for collection.

Farming feces in Craftopia used to be a challenge. But with the new method presented above of “farming” an NPC for poop it is so much easier and so much less of a grind.

If you want more Craftopia Seamless world tips or videos subscribe to our YouTube channel: Year of the Dad Gaming.