Pocket Pair the developers of Craftopia and PalWorld have released some more images and another update about the Seamless World Update that is coming soon.
On their Steam News page, they talked about how the seamless world update map is going to be 20 X bigger than the existing map. Now you may be thinking the current islands are not very big, but their official discord channel confirmed that the map is 20 X bigger than the entire grid of islands. So take the size of every island available in the world currently and multiply that by 20.
Along with the news of the map size they have stated the terrain is pretty much done and the word on discord is that this will be coming to the alpha version of Craftopia of Steam “very soon”. Not soon but VERY SOON.
Now that could be next month. That could be 6 months depending on your definition of very soon. I’m hoping that means it will be dropping in the next few months barring any issues.
Also, they released some more images and I have to say they look fantastic. Have a look below and to read the complete news release click here.
Craftopia Seamless World Update Images

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**All images courtesy of Craftopia Steam update page. All rights reserved to their original owners.