While playing Craftopia you will notice that some enemies drop seeds. And also when you destroy a bush there is a chance it will drop some seeds. Even chests have a random chance to drop seeds. You can also buy seeds from merchants.
What do we do with seeds in Craftopia?
Craftopia gives us several devices to work with seeds and use them to our advantage. Depending on the seed you can grow that seed in either a planter or a farming plot and grow crops.
How do you grow with seeds in Craftopia?
To grow seeds in Craftopia you first need the right type of growing container. For herbs like the bright red herb, ultramarine herb, and hell peppers you need a planter. For vegetables, fruit, and chili peppers you have to plant the seeds in a farming plot.
What you need to create a planter:
- 5 Ceramic
- 5 Sand
- 1 Water
- 1 Feces
- 1 Bone
What you need to create a medium-sized planter:
- 10 Ceramic
- 10 Sand
- 5 Water
- 5 Feces
- 5 Bone
What you need to create a farming plot:
- 5 Iron Ingots
- 10 Wheat
- 2 Sand
Finding sand is pretty easy as there is a good sand deposit on the starter island. You can get bones from killing most animals and skeletons have a high chance to drop bones. Feces can be difficult to come by but here is a guide to help that out. But water and ceramic can be a bit more of a challenge.
How to get Water in Craftopia?
I mean you are on islands that are surrounded by water. Shouldn’t this be easy? Not really. It’s not just any kind of water it is really purified water. You have to collect 30 bucket (water) and then cook those to get 1 Water.
There are two ways to harvest a lot of water:
- Camels – Put them in livestock breeding facilities and they will harvest water.
- Wells – Build a lot of them and automate the process with droppers and an auto cooker.
Click here to learn how to automate the water creation process.
How to get Ceramic in Craftopia?
Ceramic is easy to build at a Stone Furnace but the main material you need to build is not so easy. You have to have clay to build ceramic. And in order to build clay, you need sand and water.
Yep, more water.
I have found a clay deposit in an abandoned mine. But that will not yield very much clay and some islands the abandoned mines are pretty rare.
Once you have collected all of your resources to build the planter/plot go to your workbench and craft your planter/plot.
Equip the planter or farming plot and place them somewhere safe. Once you have placed your planter/plot you will need to seed the plot.
Equip the seed you want to use and face the planter/plot. Hit the throw key and this will throw the seed.
Tip – you can actually seed more than one planter/plot at a time. To save seeds just place 4 of the planters/plots in a square and then you can seed all four at one time. See the main video for more info.

Now that you have the planter/plot seeded you will need to water the planter/plot. You can do this one of two ways:
- Bucket (Water) – Either from a well or build an empty bucket and manually fill it.
- Sprinkler – Build a sprinkler and place it close to the planter/plot
To use the bucket (water) you equip the bucket (water) and use the throw key to throw the water onto the planter/plot. Once done correctly you should see your crop grow. If you used a sprinkler then as soon as the sprinkler runs a cycle it should start growing.
How do you harvest your crops?
Harvesting can happen in a few different ways. Some ways will make your farming plot last longer.
- Manual* – Unequip all items and just punch the crops. Then pick up the fruit/vegetables/herbs. This way will make your planter/plot last the longest.
- Rotating Saws – These devices will do more than just chop down trees. They can also harvest crops. But they are not very smart and will do more damage to your planter/plot (and you)
- Reaping machine – Reaping machines can be used for wheat and farm plots to auto-harvest a crop. The reaper does not do any damage to the plot when it harvests.
Tip* For the manual method if you equip a repair hammer and harvest your crops with that it will not cause any damage to the plot. Also if you pick up a damaged plot and lay it back down, the plot will return to its original health.
To automate collection set up some chests with absorbers attached and automatically collect your crops. If you are doing large-scale farming this is the easiest way to set it and forget it.
How to get better seeds in Craftopia

Once you have started to grow some crops you can use a Breed Improvement Plant to have a chance to improve the seeds you get. In higher-level dungeons, you can find random seed bags or buy them from merchants to get better seeds. Also if you shoot and kill a black-tailed gull (bird) it will randomly drop some good seeds.
Here is a list of crops that can be improved with a Breed Improvement Plant and the percent chance of the seed you can get after improvement.
Crop Name | Improvement Cost | Improved Crop Chance |
Potato | 50 | Green Bean 90% Corn 5% Apple 5% |
Green Bean | 100 | Green Bean 90% Corn 10% Apple 10% |
Corn | 150 | Corn 60% Apple 30% Rice 10% |
Apple | 200 | Apple 70% Paddy (Rice) 20% Onion 5% Sugarcane 5% |
Paddy (Rice) | 250 | Apple 10% Paddy (Rice) 60% Onion 10% Sugarcane 10% Carrot 5% Pumpkin 5% |
Sugar Cane | 300 | Paddy (Rice) 10% Onion 30% Sugarcane 30% Carrot 10% Pumpkin 10% Orange 5% Grape 5% |
Onion | 300 | Paddy (Rice) 10% Onion 30% Sugarcane 30% Carrot 10% Pumpkin 10% Orange 5% Grape 5% |
Pumpkin | 350 | Onion. 5% Sugarcane 5% Carrot 35% Pumpkin 35% Orange 7.5% Grape 7.5% Tomato 5% |
Carrot | 350 | Onion 5% Sugarcane 5% Carrot 35% Pumpkin 35% Orange 7.5% Grape 7.5% Tomato 5% |
Grape | 400 | Carrot 5% Pumpkin 5% Orange 40% Grape 40% Tomato 10% |
Orange | 400 | Carrot 5% Pumpkin 5% Orange 40% Grape 40% Tomato 10% |
Tomato | 450 | Carrot 1.5% Pumpkin 1.5% Orange 2.5% Grape 2.5% Tomato 90% Lemon 1% Eggplant 1% |
Lemon | 500 | Tomato 5% Lemon 45% Eggplant 45% Cabbage 5% |
Eggplant | 500 | Tomato 5% Lemon 45% Eggplant 45% Cabbage 5% |
Cabbage | 550 | Lemon 1% Eggplant 1% Cabbage 95% Zucchini 1.5% Chili Pepper 1.5% |
Chili Pepper | 1,200 | Lemon 0.5% Eggplant 0.5% Cabbage 20% Zucchini 39% Chili Pepper 39% Pineapple 0.5% Coconut 0.5% |
Zucchini | 1,200 | Lemon 0.5% Eggplant 0.5% Cabbage 20% Zucchini 39% Chili Pepper 39% Pineapple 0.5% Coconut 0.5% |
Coconut | 1,800 | Cabbage 0.5% Zucchini 2% Chili Pepper 2% Pineapple 47.5% Coconut 47.5% Peach 0.5% |
Pineapple | 1,800 | Cabbage 0.5% Zucchini 2% Chili Pepper 2% Pineapple 47.5% Coconut 47.5% Peach 0.5% |
Peach | 3,000 | Pineapple 25% Coconut 25% Peach 50% |
If you need just seeds for a crop you already have you can get a guaranteed chance of a seed by using a seed extractor. And sometimes that will give you a chance to get more than one seed from a crop.
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