How to automate water creation
There is a quest in Craftopia to sell 5000 G of water. This is no easy task because Water only sells for 10 G. That means you need an efficient way to craft water. But automation in Craftopia is always the answer when trying to do these hard tasks that require grinding out building items.
What do you need to craft water in Craftopia?
There are a few different ways to craft water in Craftopia.
1. You can cook 30 Bucket (Water) on a cooking pot or auto cooker
2. You can harvest Water from a camel on a livestock machine
How to automate Water creation with wells
- Go to your workbench and craft about 10 to 12 wells.
- Then craft the same number of droppers.
- Craft 2 absorbers
- Craft an auto cooker
- Craft a chest (steel or better)
- Craft some stone walls (optional)
Once you have all your items crafted find a good flat spot on the ground away from enemy spawns. This method requires wells and wells must be placed on the ground to work properly.
- Place your auto cooker
- Place an absorber on the top of the intake of the auto cooker
- Place your wells in two rows in front of the intake of the auto cooker.
- Place droppers on the wells so that the water will come out of the wells and shoot towards the intake of the auto cooker.
- Set the chest up behind the output area of the auto cooker
- Add an absorber to the chest
How to automate Water creation with camels
- Capture 2 camels (or more) in a monster prism
- Capture 2 green monos (or more) in a monster prism
- Build a breeding facility
- Build some stone walls and stone floors
- Build 2 livestock farms
- Craft 2 droppers
- Craft 2 absorbers
- Craft 2 chests (steel or better)
Step 1: Setup a containment area
Over a body of water create a containment area with stone walls and floors. It probably needs to be around 10 x 6 at minimum. Leave an empty spot in the middle for the water.
The water should be shallow water. If it is too deep then the process may not work correctly. You are using the healing power of a Green Mono dying to fully automate this.
Step 2: Place a breeding facility and start breeding Green Monos
Place the breeding facility where the outlet is placed above the pool of water. Then throw the captured Green Monos onto the breeding facility to get them breeding. Watch and make sure the Green Mono produced falls into the water and then drowns. After the Green Mono drowns it should “shoot” out healing and heal the two Green Monos on the breeding facility.
Step 3 : Place your livestock farm side by side
Place a livestock farm on each side of the water and give them a little space. If you space everything correctly you might be able to squeeze more than two into this setup.
Step 4 : Place your camels into the livestock farm
Take your captured camels and throw them onto the livestock farm. Once done properly the livestock farm should start pumping up and down like a big toaster. And you should see the water start to generate.
Step 5 : Add droppers to each livestock farm
Attach droppers to the end of the livestock farm going away from the green monos that are drowning.
Step 6 : Set up the steel chests
Setup your steel chests as far back as you can in the containment area. Then attach absorbers to the steel chests to gather the water coming out of the livestock machines.
If you want to make the selling automated you can actually replace the chests with markets and have the market absorb the water and then it will sell the water every 5 minutes you are on that island.
Both of these are fairly slow processes so I would recommend you build this close to your home base. That way when you are dropping off items or repairing or crafting new weapons/armor this process will run. You can also let this run AFK while you do something else and then come back and check on it to see if you sold enough water to complete the quest.
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