Medieval Dynasty How To Repair and Insulate Buildings
Part of Medieval Dynasty’s main game mechanics is city management. You must build buildings to increase the size of your city and build houses for your villagers.
After a few seasons or even years, your buildings will start to look like they are falling apart. This can happen naturally as the years go on or could result from an end-season event that damaged your buildings.

If you notice that your villagers are consuming lots of firewood or are not in a good mood, insulating their houses can both improve their mood and cut down on firewood consumption.
How do you repair buildings in Medieval Dynasty?
To start repairing buildings you need to equip your hammer. Then you click the building mode button (LT on Xbox).
This gives you the option to insulate, repair, or destroy.

If you select repair all of your buildings will be highlighted in either red or green.
Red – The building piece is damaged and requires repairs.
Green – The building piece has little or no damage.
Once you find the building parts that are red you can approach them and click the hammer’s action button (RT on Xbox) to start repairing that section of the building. This action works just the same as when you built the structure only it should require fewer materials.
How do you insulate buildings in Medieval Dynasty?
In order to insulate buildings you must unlock the Handyman skill under the crafting skill tree.
To start insulating buildings you need to equip your hammer. Then you click the building mode button (LT on Xbox).

This gives you the option to insulate, repair, or destroy.
If you select insulate the buildings that can be insulated should highlight green.
To insulate walls you will need some daub. Daub can either be purchased from merchants or can be crafted in the barn from straw and clay.
Once you have the Daub the process of insulating is very similar to the process of building a structure. Simply click the hammer’s action button (RT on Xbox) and start insulating the section of the house. For most houses, you just have to insulate the walls of the building to have the entire structure insulated.
Repairing buildings and insulating them is a good way to keep your villager’s mood positive. Also insulating your homes will mean your villagers consume less firewood and can free up workers for other tasks.
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