Craftopia Seamless World Update News December 2022
Just in time for Christmas, PocketPair the developers of Craftopia and Palworld, have released another seamless world developer status update.
This latest update focuses on how they are revamping goblins completely. Not only have they changed how they look but also how the AI responds to you.
From PocketPair:
• Improving the Combat Experiences As we stated in the announcements before, we've worked on "Improvement on combat and enemies' AI" in November. "Goblin", the enemy that you have faced again and again in Craftopia. We redefined them from scratch, along with the changes to the combat system, to provide you with better playing experiences! Goblins will inspect us to decide whether they will attack. Don't underestimate them; they will get closer little by little to attack at unexpected moments, surround you with the tremendous amount of Goblins, light torches at night, or use those torches to set you on fire... Not just the combat element of Goblins, we've added some exciting features to the race of Goblin because we're respecting them as one race in the world of Craftopia. You can get to know how they're living by carefully looking at them during combat or sneaking them without being seen. Of course, we're working on other enemies and bosses as well! You may see them in the next development status report! We'll keep you updated by posting the development status report; please stay tuned!
While I am excited that they are redoing the AI of the enemies I fear this update means we are still a long way from the release of the Seamless World update for Craftopia.
I feel that their excitement to make these changes will benefit the game in the long run. But the long run may be still months away from realization. Our only hope is that the PalWorld team is close to releasing an early access version of that game and will give us something to play until Craftopia Seamless World Update is released.
Here are some picks of the redesigned goblins in the Seamless World Update (all credit to PocketPair and Craftopia Steam page for these pics):

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all image credits to Craftopia Steam page